Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag Netherlands - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 8 - 06/20/97

Osdorp Posse
Djax records

This is the 6th album from the Nederhoppers Osdorp Posse. After a CD with a metal band they use some samples on this one. Some samples are taken from their 4th album Afslag Osdorp and comp De Posse Deel 2. On this album one song is also sung by Hennie Vrienten, they also use a band, Blind Justice, and a DJ, Zebulon, for the background music which isn't made by a sampler. Verwoorde Verwarring starts with various samples, punx are used to that when they listen to the Toy Dolls and Human Alert. These songs could be written by a punk, cos the Osdorp Posse doesn't like commercial bullshit, the tax system, or hard drugs, to name a few.

The song Leot Sed Dap is kinda trip-hop, not only as a music style. Demo-stratie (Demo-stration) is an example of a song made up by samples from previous records. When I saw the song Zo Simpel being one of the songs on this album, I thought it was the same song they had on De Posse #2. As soon as the song started I heard that it wasn't. In Zo Simpel they shit on Nederhopbands who do it cos it's popular. Although it contains less subjects than Afslag Osdorp it's a good album and if you like it; buy it or tape it. This album contains a ghost-track called Sleur (routine) which is about life.

Copyright © 1997 Marcel Etten e-mail address

You may also want to check out our Osdorp Posse article/review: Oud en Nieuw.

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