US - New York - Full Moon 82 - 06/14/03
Come Down
Whose side are you on, anyway? EP
Is it possible to hear music like this and not say 'Radiohead' in a review? Damn. But how best
to convey what this music sounds like other than compare it to its closest familiar parent?
Aside from who they best compare to - which also includes Travis - Come Down are clearly a
very talented, accomplished band, who look great, are probably pretty cool live, and to top it
all off they've got a really nifty website. What can I say to help them on their way?
Well, the songs, although recorded well and played skilfully, are a little predictable. They
sound a bit weary, too content to just sound like their influences and coast from there. Which is
a shame, as there's plenty to appreciate on this four-song EP: some nice reverby atmospherics,
some good guitar melodies, and crisp drums. Just unremarkable in this weird world that continues,
somehow, to produce remarkable music.
If they're looking for something to cut out and paste on their nifty website, I can't help
with a rave review. I'm just a cynical music fan/reviewer and there's nothing I can say to stop
them doing what they're doing, which is worthy, and often exciting. Good luck fellas.
Copyright © 2003 Tim Clarke 