Australia - Full Moon 83 - 07/13/03
Dom Mariani & The Majestic Kelp
Underwater Casino
Head Records / MGM
Tremeloe reigns supreme at the Underwater Casino, as Stems mainman Dom Mariani indulges his
love of all things surf, pop, psychedelic and spag western. Mariani has unashamedly delved into
his collection and has emerged from the depths to provide a tasty, enjoyable, predominantly
instrumental side to his musical self.
The laid back beauty of "The Golden Ones" and "Lisa Marie" jangle and shimmer in their
unhurried way - while "Indian n' Ocean" heaves to the rich sound of sitar and Hammond organ
chiming away in unison. Initial impressions suggest the whole release has a throwaway joke tone
about it. Although after repeated spins comes the realisation of how damn well recorded and
executed Casino is - all the while retaining the sense of glee and abandon inherent in the style
of the music covered on the album.
It's just so damn fun you'd love to have been present in the studio to witness the construction
of the Casino and to feel the viiiibe, man! The water laps at your toes in the lazy strum and drum
roll of Underwater Casino, while it's a squint through the dusty heat haze to view the
guitar twangin' through "Sergio Leone" (as Jack Palance and Eli Wallach cast a moodily dirty glance
in your direction!). The vibes and acetone organ allow "Cherry Red" to shine very brightly indeed.
The obligatory sound of welcoming waves usher in "Starline" (and again, how 'bout that twang!!)
and "Oriana" closes the Casino in a very romantic fashion.
A thoroughly enjoyable aside from Mariani and yet another impressive addition to a CV that
includes The Stems, The Someloves and DM3 releases - ie; all absolutely top shelf pop. Highly
recommended for fans of anything Mariani and definitely one for the "fat sweaty guy in a loud
Hawaiian shirt" in all of us!!
Copyright © 2003 Brian Stradbrook 