England - Full Moon 86 - 10/10/03
This day and age
Ghost Train
Lumen is two experienced musicians; John Wills and Pinkie Maclure. They collaborated on Pinkie's
solo record From Memorial Crossing and got on well.
Their album is full of exciting songs and rests a lot on Pinkie's extraordinary vocals. The
album's sound is rich and lush and allows for a multitude of influences.
"Dust Won't Lie" sounds like latter-day Björk, but Pinkie's voice is her own. Its luscious
feline power is unique. "Stranded" is a ghostly song that unfolds carefully. Maclure sounds like
a woman possessed while Wills provides a sparse backdrop for her to emote against. "Harbour Song"
is a perfect torch song. Pinkie Maclure becomes a modern day Marlene while ghosts of Portishead
take over the machinery. "In the Barricades" is scary but minimal. The rhythm and the haunted vocals
make it a strong song. "Weird Light" is jazzy and pensive.
Lumen's "This Day and Age" is a masterful album.
Copyright © 2003 Anna Maria Stjärnell 