Norway - Full Moon 86 - 10/10/03
Talking to The Demons
self-released demo
Every now and then some demo dumps in here at Luna Kafé. Just from out of nowhere. Some
of these recordings make us go "Wow! Cool.", and we can't do nothing but put'em among our dishes.
Such as this one from this one man project - far from being out of focus.
UnFocused is one Arne Sjøthun Larssen from Stavanger at the south-western coast of Norway.
Arne writes and performs (means playing/doing vocals, guitar, bass, piano, drum loops) everything
himself, and claims Adam Green (of Moldy
Peaches) and Sammy (also known under the moniker Laptop) as sources of inspiration in the making
of his lo-fi pop. Talking to The Demons holds 6 tracks, 6 little sketches of underground
pop of top charm! The songs are extremely short - it's like their over before they've started -
but they're catchy enough to tease one to put them on again. And again, to check once more.
The material is of course, as it's a demo, being somewhat unfinished. But this also adds some
charm to the songs. Best track: "Time on My side?" - which I wish could be (without the question
mark) reality for Arne. I really hope UnFocused keeps on, and I'm looking forward to hear some more.
You read me?
Copyright © 2003 Håvard Oppøyen 