US - California - Full Moon 86 - 10/10/03
The Coachwhips
Get Yer Body Next Ta Mine
Narnack Records
I'm collecting boxes. Well, more precisely - it's containers I'm gathering. The jelly fish crate
I picked up outside the chinese matrket yesterday is a good example of what I want and take when
I see it.
I've got a long, card catalog kinda drawer I got on Lincoln near the park. A mahagony crate with
strange grooves set inside for I can't think of what sits on top of a half-size wooden industrial
cable spool. Stuff like that.
I have no needs or plans to haul my junk any time soon, y'wonder why I'm doing this?
I'm not.
A good thing I cleaned out the garage last spring, 'cause I sure am filling it up real fast.
Speaking of fast and stuff that hauls, you'd better catch these Coachwhips.
Mind them splinters.
Copyright © 2003 Alice Kenner 