Norway - Full Moon 88 - 12/08/03
Waitin In A Car
Racing Junior
This is the first taste of what is hailed in some circles as the salvation of Rock'n Roll here
in Oslo. As for my part I think there are some great bands here already waving the banner of the
fuzz pedal. But it's not hard to understand the hype, as a band built on the remains of two legendary
rock bands - Kung Fu Girls and Anal Babes and as one sharing stage with the ultimate rock legends
Radio Birdman at one of their first gigs. A concert that convinced quite a few that something wicked
was this way coming.
Their first release is on the hot label Racing Junior and is a shameless groovy vinyl seven
inch. It kicks of with the short sharp shock "Waitin' in a car" which clocks in just 2.15 and even
manages to include an organ intro. What really makes this song is not just the wonderful riffs and
shockingly sweet melody, but the strange way they build the song with parts from all over the place,
a weeny Frankenstein of a song. Not just a verse and and a refrain here. Then they turn up the guitars
to 11 and records "Hello mummy" all in the red and in less than two minutes. Punk rock the way
The Who would have done it were they teenagers today.
It's just the second vinyl single from Racing Junior, the first was a promo split between St.
Thomas and Ai Phoenix. But Bonk coughs up classic single material and it feels absolutely right for
their debut. And I sure hope they keep up the standard for the 10 song CD planned for February. I
will at least wear out a copy or two of this little gem.
Copyright © 2003 Killer 