Sweden - Full Moon 88 - 12/08/03
Got My Moojoo Working
Per Bronco Karlsson records as Browncow. His music is multifaceted despite being done without
the help of a big record label. "Only You" is a sweet little love song. "Factory Boy" contains a
sly reference to Leonard Cohen. But it doesn't sound like him at all. Karlsson has his own voice.
"Refugee" is a moving song about a separation. Karlsson's approcah to the subject gets under
the skin of the female protagonist. "Aingdg" is a cute tribute to a girl. Musically it's a
synthetic-sounding song. At times Karlsson's song sound like they could do with some more instruments
added, but mostly this is a fine record that shows a lot of promise.
Copyright © 2003 Anna Maria Stjärnell 