US - New York - Full Moon 88 - 12/08/03
Professor and Maryann
Runaway Favourite
Happy Thighs
Professor and Maryann are a duo made up of Ken Rockwood and Danielle Brancaccio. Their music
is intimate and intricate. "Whisper to me" is a sad-eyed lament which allows Brancaccio's sweet
voice to take space. "Thick as Thieves" has a lead vocal by songwriter Rockwood, who sings beautifully
as well. The song is sweetly melancholic and haunting.
"Roof of the World" is a dreamy song. Brancaccio has such presence that it's like she's in the
room with me, whispering her words. The songs melody is lovely and simple. The quirky "World of
Clowns" is another chance for Rockwood to sing. He gives a charming performance that suits the
circus-inspired song.
The closing "Ten Tubas" is a great Christmas song that avoids trite sentimentality. Broncaccio
gives a sultry and compelling performance. Runaway Favourite is a great album.
Copyright © 2003 Anna Maria Stjärnell 