Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag US - Wisconsin - Full Moon 88 - 12/08/03

Stephanie Rearick
The Bucket Rider
Uvulittle Records

Stephanie Rearick records both solo and with the band the Coma Savants. Solo she plays the piano and pens great songs with unconventional lyrics. "Ghostlike" shows her prowess with the piano. "Tiny Hairs" pairs whimsical words with a languorous melody. The title track is a cabaret-tinged instrumental that sounds just great.

"Single Scarlet thread" is a dramatic-sounding song. Rearick sings it in her most beautiful voice. The quirky "Buster Moon" is very appealing as is the charming "I Need Sunflowers!". "Clyde" is sad and sweet. Rearick shows she's a unique talent here. Her album is amazing.

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© 2011 Luna Kafé