US - Michigan - Full Moon 91 - 03/06/04
Audra Kubat
Million Year Old Sand
Times Beach Records
Audra Kubat is not one for big gestures. She sings in a hushed voice and her music is intimate
and highly affecting. She's been compared to Cat Power and there's some truth to that. She has a
similarly intense yet restrained approach to her music.
"Golden Sea" is gorgeously sad. Kubat's lovely voice and evocative guitar playing carry it
well. "Georgia" is a little more up-tempo. Its words are of a complex and fascinating girl. "In
the Morning" is just beautiful. Kubat resembles early Joni Mitchell here in voice and words.
"She Falls" has a spectacular bit where a multi-tracked vocal comes in and adds to the tension
of the song. "Tomorrow never comes" tells of difficult love in a great way.
Million Year Old Sand is an album to treasure.
Copyright © 2004 Anna Maria Stjärnell 