Norway - Full Moon 92 - 04/05/04
Mindy Misty
Temporary Flawless
Hand Made Records
Just to grab hold of this little gem gives me a good feeling, a massive slab of black vinyl
that must clock in at 100 grams, around the double of an ordinary vinyl single. Combine that with
a thick cover in delicate black and red, and I'm almost sold even before the needle hits the fan.
When it does it's back to the early 90ties time, post grunge fuzzpop that crawls in the darker
corner of the mind. Makes me for some reason want to bring out my Girls vs Boys or Arcwelder
singles again. It's been a long time since last time... Anyone remember Cell? With perfect singles
like Stratosphere or Cross the River, but still largely forgotten today. Maybe
Mindy Misty can bring about a renewed interest for those bands, and even make their own mark on
this legacy.
And to sum up this four song EP: The first track on each side are powerful and melodic songs,
where the band obviously feels at home. The second song on the first side - "Strike n' retreat"
is a short instrumental where I kind of lost interest after the fifth change in tempo, probably
nice enough if thats your thing. The last song an the EP must be an internal joke that I didn't
get. Maybe just do an ordinary single next time, that way you can keep it on 45 rpm and get the
dynamics this kind of music needs.
Copyright © 2004 Killer 