Germany - Full Moon 93 - 05/04/04
Robert Lippok
Falling into Komëit
Monika Enterprise
Robert Lippok has reinterpreted an album by Komëit called Falling Into Place. The
result is sweet and not too abstract electronica. "I Can Tell" rests on wan female vocals and a
calm mood. The subdued piece "Holler" is pleasant to hear. Lippok doesn't force the music beyond
what it needs.
"It's a Good thing" is like My Bloody Valentine's dreamy guitar-dominated pieces. "Readymades"
has a distant but warm vocal and a great melody. "Saturday Night" is a marvellous, wistful ballad.
The lyric details things the narrator wishes he could undo in an emotive way.
This album is a lovely thing.
Copyright © 2004 Anna Maria Stjärnell 