US - California - Full Moon 93 - 05/04/04
Jon Riley
Dusk on hwy. 37
Dutchoven Records
Jon Riley makes earnest but not dull contemporary folk. Opener "Cold Sweat" has the attack of
rock but the sentiment of folk. Like Dylan Riley plays the harmonica and writes politically charged
"It's Just the Lighting" has a sharp lyric about a troubled family and a hushed vocal that shows
that Riley doesn't need to shout to make himself heard. The hard-edged "Who Killed the Messenger"
proves Riley's gift for catchy tunes as well as insightful lyrics. "Narrow Alley" is a reflective
ballad about a fractured relationship. "A Bruised Reed" tells of a lost soul people are only too
eager to pass by.
Jon Riley makes important music in an old tradition and he make sit seem like it's still valid.
Copyright © 2004 Anna Maria Stjärnell 