England - Full Moon 94 - 06/03/04
Road Songs EP
Just Music
Loner is one Geoff Smith. On the debut EP he sings in a forlorn voice and the music is as melancholy
as can be. "Another Line..In a Crazy World" is sublimely sad. Smith's lighter than air voice recalls
Mark Hollis of Talk Talk and the music does too. The delicate piano and trip hoppy beats are barely
"Road song" has echoes of the long lost band It's Immaterial and their inner city malaise. Smith's
voice drifts by like it's afraid to fully materialize. "French Movie" has a spoken word part by
Helena Roman. It's reminiscent of recent songs by Air in a pleasant way.
Road Songs implies that Loner's upcoming debut album should be a treat.
Copyright © 2004 Anna Maria Stjärnell 