US - New York - Full Moon 97 - 08/30/04
Sky Salt
I Believe In Fairy Tales
Lime Crime Records
Sky Salt make music in the gothic genre and have a gifted vocalist called Xenia. "Paper Angels"
is a hummable song with distorted guitars. Xenia's little girl voice fits in in a weird way.
"Beautiful" is a little eerie and has a stirring chorus. "You Got It (Wrong)" is softer and lets
Xenia's voice take focus more than the other songs do.
Sky Salt are good at creating an original sound and their songwriting skills are apparent. The
lovely "How I Feel" is another good example of the bands blend of sweet and sour elements. The
vocals are soft and the guitars harsh and tough. The closing song "2 Of A Kind / Epilogue" wraps
things up nicely and shows the bands skill at arranging songs.
Sky Salt are clearly onto something good with this debut and I hope they keep making music.
Copyright © 2004 Anna Maria Stjärnell 