Germany - Full Moon 98 - 09/28/04
Saba Komossa presents: Delkom
Futur Ultra
Discordian Records
This is a new release for a record originally put out in 1989. Delkom was singer Saba Komossa
and Gabi Delgado of DAF. If today's electro-clash scene has its orgin somewhere it might be here.
The kinetic beats and seductive vocals are still great.
Plenty of dance-floors should fill up at the sound of "Sexplotation" which sounds as new as
tomorrow's computers. "Your body is my church" intones Komossa in pure dominatrix style. "Tanzen
ist Schön" is hypnotic and persuasive. "Viva la Droga" celebrates the darker aspects of life.
Komossa sounds ecstatic while chanting "Viva la droga, viva la muerte" (long live the drug, long
live death).
"Maskulin Feminin" is atmospheric but still danceable. This is fascinating and still vital
Copyright © 2004 Anna Maria Stjärnell 