Belgium - Full Moon 99 - 10/28/04
The Go Find
Morr Music
Belgium's Dieter Sermeus makes thoughtful electronic indie pop under the moniker the Go Find.
The melancholy "Over the Edge" is like New Order and speaks mournfully of
"the love I stole from your lips." "Summer Quest"
is sweetly simple and features more of Sermeus' splendid pop sense.
"What I Want" is a dreamy sprawl with inspired beats and a lovelorn vocal. "Bleeding heart"
fuses a club-friendly beat to a sad melody. Sermeus comes across as the new Bernard Sumner, all
innocence and spite. "The Party" has massed chanting and a sense of isolation as its theme.
A lovely and essential debut.
Copyright © 2004 Anna Maria Stjärnell 