Norway - Full Moon 99 - 10/28/04
The Kulta Beats
Civilize the Brutes
Cutwater Records
We Swedes have an unfortunate tendency to ignore the music our Scandinavian neighbors make.
It's rare to see a Norwegian band get any attention in Sweden but I hope that's about to change.
Pop singer Annie got a hit with "Chewing Gum" and Kings of Convenience are doing fine. So hopefully
the Kulta beats will get a shot too.
Their brand of pop is smart and catchy and has unusual lyrics. On "Medicine Monday" they sound
like a less bratty Oasis. "O Wolfman (thou cometh)" is sixties psych-flavoured and has a great
organ part. Singer Jorgen Brennvall sounds like he's enjoying himself. A song called "Julia Kristeva"
(the French philosopher) is crunchy garage rock. Look out Hives I say.
"My Soul" sounds like the Stranglers which is odd but nice. Brennvall growls like a trouper. The
closing "Shanghai Jupiter" is a charming space fantasy that is very hummable.
So, say hello to the Kulta Beats Sweden.
Copyright © 2004 Anna Maria Stjärnell 