US - California - Full Moon 99 - 10/28/04
Sonya Greta
Vigilante Arcade
This debut is remarkably assured. Sonya Greta has a strong voice and a distinctive knack for
songwriting. The title track is a country-flavored thing with great use of the harmonica. The
haunting "Ode to Mrs. Pontellier" was based on Kate Chopin's novel "The Awakening". Greta puts
the source material to inspired use.
"Breakpoint" has a strong rhythm and a sensual vocal. "All Alone" is a tragic song of a breakup.
Sonya Greta keeps it simple, but still tugs at the heartstrings. "You're a coward, I was a fool"
she sums it up.
"Watershed" is a lovely song with a dramatic mood. This album is a great thing.
Copyright © 2004 Anna Maria Stjärnell 