Canada - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 1 - 11/25/96
While Creature, Moist's second album, may seem alien at first
it only takes a good listen to see the Moist in it. The intense,
dark, seductive, rock that made Moist's first album Silver
such a huge success comes shining through with new vitality
on Creature.
Creature clearly demonstrates some massive improvements in the
production of the album, as well as some broadened musical horizons.
The added use of trumpets and cello on some of the tracks
shows a more eclectic composition that is well blended with
the new instruments to emphasize the mood of the song without
distracting the listener from it.
The production of the album is far cleaner than on Silver, with
Producer Paul Northfield allowing the most delicate elements to ring
though like bells and the most vicious to crack like thunder.
Northfield's production compliments beautifully Moist's broadened dynamic
range. Tracks don't have to be just soft or just pulsating anymore, Moist
has learned to combine the two and create a contrast within the songs.
Most of the tracks on Creature have intriguing dynamic buildups
that are somewhat lacking on Silver. This is best demonstrated
in the new single Leave It Alone.
Another huge difference on Creature, is the overall pace of
the album. Creature has a lilt, almost a pulse that connects all
the songs. This pulse is much faster than Silver which has a
looser, almost fluid heartbeat.
This new album is considerably less crude than Silver, but when
you loose the roughness that Silver embraced so beautifully, a little
piece of the music dies, a little piece, that played a big part in
Moist's success.
Moist are currently touring Canada with Neil Young.
Copyright © 1996 Laura Bowman 