Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé archive - 1996 to present
flag Canada
Capital: Ottawa
Population: 28,820,671
Telephones: 15,300,000
Televisions: 11,530,000
Radios: NA
Railways: 70,176 km
Highways: 849,404 km
Airports: 1,138
Source: World Factbook
CourseFull Moon
122 Greige: Moving Away From the Sun 03/31/99
A Silver Mount Zion: Whelan's, Dublin, 18.01.2001 02/08/01
Abie Toiber: Lotus 07/21/05
Adam Cohen: We Go Home 10/08/14
Adrienne Pierce: Small Fires 06/14/03
Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir: Fighting and Onions 10/07/06
Allison Crowe: Little Light 06/18/08
Allison Crowe: Live at Wood Hall 09/19/05
Allison Crowe: Secrets 06/03/04
Allison Crowe: Spiral 07/26/10
Allison Crowe: This Little Bird 12/05/06
Amanda Mabro and the Cabaret Band: Superwoman in the Making 05/13/06
An Introduction To The Canadian Rock Scene 12/24/96
Andrew Whiteman: Fear Of Zen 10/16/97
Annabelle Chvostek: Water 06/14/03
Arc Lab: Anthem 08/18/16
Arcade Fire: Funeral 12/26/04
Arcade Fire: Neon Bible 04/02/07
Arcade Fire: Reflektor 11/17/13
Armstrong Jr: Come Show Your Face 11/05/06
Ashley Crnic: Full Grown 04/06/12
Astrid Young: One Night at Giant Rock 04/04/15
Athena Reich: Stranger Things Have Happened 10/28/04
B'ehl: Only A Paper Moon 04/12/98
Basia Bulat: Heart Of My Own 01/30/10
Belinda Bruce: Dream Yourself Awake 06/22/05
Besnard Lakes: A Coliseum Complex Museum 02/22/16
Besnard Lakes: Golden Lion 11/25/15
Besnard Lakes: The Besnard Lakes Are the Roaring Night 04/28/10
Besnard Lakes: Until in Excess, Imperceptible UFO 04/25/13
Bitter Harvest: Ritual Music For Broken Magick 01/12/98
Blue Seeds: The Blue Seeds 07/26/10
Bossanova: Self Titled EP 03/13/98
Brans: Brands 12/12/08
Buck 65: This Right Here Is Buck 65 02/24/05
By Divine Right: All Hail Discordia 08/18/97
Canadian Rawk in 1997: Guided by Laura 01/12/98
Caribou: Andorra 10/26/07
Caribou: Our Love 11/06/14
Caribou: The Milk of Human Kindness 03/25/05
Carmen Townsend: Watin' and Seein' 09/12/11
Cecil Seaskull: Whoever 11/04/98
Chad VanGaalen: Soft Airplane 09/15/08
Chloe Charles: Little Green Bud 11/21/10
Chris Kirby: Vampire Hotel 01/30/10
Cinderpop: Their Skies are Beautiful 04/13/06
Claire Vezina: Cyber Neptune 06/07/09
Clover Honey: Clover Honey 08/26/99
Courtneys: Silver Velvet 01/12/17
Cowboy Junkies: The Timmins' talking 05/07/01
Désormais: iambrokenandremadeiambroken 08/12/03
Dala: Everyone Is Someone 11/02/09
Dark Blue World: The Perilous Beauty of Madness 02/28/10
David Anderson: Collage 06/11/06
Death From Above 1979: The Physical World 10/08/14
Death From Above 1979: You're a Woman, I'm a Machine 10/28/04
Destroyer: Destroyer's Rubies 01/03/07
Destroyer: Destroyer's Rubies 04/13/06
Digital Poodle: Combat! - Kinder Atom: Super Nice Hippy Pants 07/20/97
Dinner is Ruined Band: A Maggot in Their Heads 03/02/99
Do Make Say Think: & Yet & Yet 04/27/02
Do Make Say Think: Whelan's of Dublin, Ireland, 1.10.2000 10/13/00
Do Make Say Think: Winter Hymn Country Hymn Secret Hymn 12/08/03
Down Review: Anything Is Everything 09/04/09
Download: iii 11/14/97
Elevator to Hell: Eerieconsiliation 10/16/97
Ex-Po: Central Meaner Street 03/11/09
F & M: Every Light Must Fade 03/30/10
Fist City: It's 1983, Grow Up! 07/03/12
Flux a.d.: transatlanticthoughts 08/12/03
Frog Eyes: Tears of the Valedictorian 06/30/07
Fucked Up: Glass Boys 06/13/14
Godspeed You Black Emperor!: Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven 12/11/00
Godspeed You Black Emperor!: Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada E.P. 08/26/99
Godspeed You! Black Emperor: 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend! 10/29/12
Godspeed You! Black Emperor: Asunder, Sweet and Other Distress 05/04/15
Good Lovelies: Let The Rain Fall 08/13/11
Graeme Emmott: Galleria Sensorium 05/06/12
Graeme Emmott: Play On 08/24/10
Graeme Emmott: Posters And Pinups 06/23/13
Graeme Emmott: Sound And Word 04/15/14
Graeme Emmott: The Outer Reaches of Inner Space 12/25/15
Great Lake Swimmers: Lost Channels 04/09/09
Half Moon Run: Sun Leads Me On 12/25/15
Handsome Furs: Face Control 01/11/09
Hayden and Howie Beck: Live at the Gordon Best Theatre, Peteborough ON, April 25th 05/11/98
Hayden: Everything I Long For 12/24/96
Headstones: Smile & Wave 04/12/98
Headwater: Lay You Down 04/09/09
Hidden Cameras: Mississauga Goddam 03/25/05
Howie Beck: Pop And Crash 07/09/98
HuDost: Trapeze 10/04/09
Ian Blurton: Adventures in the Kingdom of Blurtonia 09/25/99
Ian William Craig: Centres 07/20/16
Id Guinness: Cure For The Common Crush 08/16/08
Inbreds etc. live @ The Elmocombo, Toronto, Oct. 30th 1997 11/14/97
Inbreds: It's Sydney Or The Bush 02/22/97
Islands: Return to Sea 03/15/06
James Moore: Firefly 04/16/03
Jane Siberry: Hush 12/11/00
Jane Siberry: New York Trilogy 11/23/99
Janelle Monique: You Go To My Head 12/12/08
Jim Barbaro: Sketches 05/16/03
Joel Plaskett Emergency: Truthfully Truthfully 02/13/06
John Connolly: The Wind" 06/15/11
Johnny Hollow: Johnny Hollow 03/06/04
Joshua WM!: Overdubs 07/09/98
Jude Davison: Circo de Teatro 05/28/10
Jude Davison: Head Bone Gumbo 05/25/13
Jude Davison: Outskirts of Eden 10/12/11
Julie Doiron: Will You Still Love Me? 06/28/99
Kate Fenner: Horses and Bruning Cars 05/04/04
Kim Erickson: The Raven's Wing 07/02/15
Kin Za Za: Number One in Shambala 10/21/02
KingmiXers: Riding With Mr Blues 11/28/12
Kingmixers: Flyboy 03/05/15
Kittie: Spit 03/20/00
Kooper Kain: Turning Cities to Salt 03/25/05
Lara MacMillan: Miss Mercury 12/02/09
Leonard Norman Cohen: 21. September 1934 - 7 November 2016 11/14/16
Lesley Pike: Night Visions 09/10/03
Lola Dutronic: The World of Lola Dutronic 10/18/05
Lonnie James: This Land Is Your Land 03/13/98
Loreena McKennitt: Live in Paris and Toronto 11/23/99
Luke Jackson: And Then Some 03/11/09
MJ Goguen: Labelism 05/11/98
Mahogany Frog: DO5 01/11/09
Man Of The Year: A New And Greater Tokyo 02/13/06
Matt Stern: Songs For The Wandering Spirit 05/20/08
Mayor McCA: Welcome To McCALand 07/28/99
Mean Red Spiders: Places You Call Home 09/06/98
Medard Fischer: Four Songs for the City of New York EP 08/29/15
Miriam Jones: Between Green & Gone 12/14/16
Moist: Creature 11/25/96
Montag: Alone Not Alone 03/25/05
Musk Ox: Musk Ox 04/20/08
Nadia: Arrival 09/23/10
Neck: Uncrated Distant Star 10/05/98
Neil Young & Crazy Horse: Oberhausen, Germany, 23.06.01 08/04/01
Neko Case: The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You 10/19/13
Noah's Arkweld: Fun! 03/24/97
Orange Glass: Interstellar Interstellar 05/22/97
Owen Pallett: Heartland 01/30/10
Owen Pallett: In Conflict 06/13/14
Owen Pallett: Song for Five & Six 05/14/14
Pat Deighan: Night Light 07/21/05
Picastro: Become Secret 03/30/10
Pilgrims Of The Mind: What's Your Shrine? 08/18/97
Poledo (plus others): The Rivoli - December 17th 1997 01/12/98
Pony Up!: Make Love to the Judges with Your Eyes 08/28/07
Pope Factory: Pope Factory 07/28/99
Preoccupations: Preoccupations 11/14/16
Radioblaster: Listen Closer 06/20/97
Readymade: The Block Alone 06/28/99
Rock Plaza Central: The World Was Hell To Us 12/26/04
Ron Sexsmith: Exit Strategy Soul 07/18/08
SIANspheric: Else 11/23/99
Sam Roberts: We Were Born In A Flame 08/12/03
Sara Marlowe: True Stories 12/31/09
Sara Marlowe: times like these... 01/25/05
Sara Somebody: Sara Somebody 10/24/99
Scratching Post: Destruction of the Universe 05/30/99
Screwtape Lewis: Finding Ways To Self Destruct 11/13/08
Screwtape Lewis: The Opulent Hum 11/16/05
Sect / Response Technique / Phoma: Cube 10/16/97
Seven Inches Of Fun 02/22/97
Shalabi Effect: The Trial of St-Orange 03/28/02
Sianspheric: There's Always Someplace You'd .. 10/05/98
Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra and Tra-la-la Band: Born Into Trouble As The Sparks Fly Upward 11/30/01
Silver Mt. Zion: Horses in the Sky 04/24/05
Steve Dooks: Cocktails, Heartaches and Cigars 04/20/08
Steve Raegele: - an interview with 03/30/10
Steve Raegele: Last Century 02/28/10
SubtractiveLAD: No Man's Land 04/02/07
Sunday Wilde: He Digs Me 04/22/16
Super Friendz: Play The Game, Not Games 01/23/97
Suuns: Hold/Still 06/20/16
Thom Gossage Other Voices: In Other Words 03/08/12
Thrush Hermit: Clayton Park 01/31/99
Thrush Hermit: Sweet Homewrecker 11/14/97
Tim Hecker: Harmony in Ultraviolet 03/04/07
Tim Hecker: Love Streams 04/22/16
Tobias Jesso Jr.: Goon 05/04/15
Tunturia: Maps 07/30/07
Various Artists: Metro Breaks - selected drum 'n' bass from Toronto 03/13/98
Various Artists: Self Portrait Vol. 2 05/18/00
Various Artists: Squirtgun Records: The Singles 1995-1997 09/06/98
Various Artists: Switch Records 1992-97 / Northern Circuits 05/22/97
Various Artists: Themes From A Common Dream 04/12/98
Venetian Snares: Winnipeg Is a Frozen Shithole 04/24/05
Viet Cong: Viet Cong 02/04/15
Weekend/Defender: Digital 7" Series 3 01/21/00
Whitehorse: Leave No Bridge Unburned 07/31/15
Whitehorse: Whitehorse 03/08/12
Wild Strawberries: Deformative Years 12/15/05
Wolf Parade: At Mount Zoomer 07/18/08
Wolf Parade: EXPO '86 06/26/10
Women: Public Strain 11/21/10
Wooden Stars: Mardi Gras 10/16/97
Zeus 'n' Apollo: Oracles 02/08/01
ex~po: Harsh Lenses Point Homeward 11/26/04
  1996-2025 Luna Kafé