France - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 1 - 11/25/96
The Cab
Give Me What You Want
Ed Cleaner
Former known as Ed Cleaner, this band comes from Beauvais, North of France.
They have decided to self produce their album in order to keep a better
control on their music. And it works ! They have given birth in May 96, to a
new jewel of the crown of pop. Recorded in London, on the gear from the
Abbey Road studio for the 60's sound, please welcome 15 different titles to
discover an new point of view of pop.
It all starts with the very poppy To The Moon. You think you could
classify them? Then, suddenly, Give me What you Want hits you straight in
the face: garage sound, 60's crazy Hammond organ and the energy of young
teenagers wanting to rock'n'roll. So, let's forget the Cd order and
listen... Be There is in direct line with the Beatles, Dein Hund is
crazy punk pop, Siouxie can go home. God it's great ! The album also
includes pop pearls such as Daydreams and Criminal inside and other more
rocking tracks with No Way Out and Nowhere. They can play any style!
Without You lets the emergency and power of Rock springing out of the box.
Their organist also has a real cool time on this one. Yes ! And the album
ends up on a soft and melancholic Down, as if they were sad to let us go
back to the real world, after this great journey through Music, with a big M.
Basically, The Cab sounds as if Bowie had teamed up with the Beatles, in
order to produce the new Small Faces. A firework of influences, references,
but also original, mad and catchy songs. This is a record to recommend, for
its original way of revisiting the 60's. A perfect holp up that should leads
you to shake your head, tap your feet and play it again.
Copyright © 1996 Fred Guillemaut 