Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé archive - 1996 to present
flag France
Capital: Paris
Population: 58,317,450
Telephones: 35,000,000
Televisions: 29,300,000
Radios: 49,000,000
Railways: 33,891 km
Highways: 1,511,200 km
Airports: 460
Source: World Factbook
CourseFull Moon
Air: 10.000 Hz Legend 11/01/01
Autour De Lucie: Faux Mouvement 05/18/00
Autunna et sa rose: L'art el la mort 08/09/06
Ayin Aleph: Ayin Aleph 1 07/18/08
Benjamin Biolay: La Superbe 12/31/09
Blankass: L'ère de Rien 10/05/98
Bly: Stroke Of Luck 02/22/97
Bob X: Yah 05/22/97
CQ (Original Movie Soundtrack): By Mellow / Directed by Roman Coppola 05/26/02
Cab: Give Me What You Want 11/25/96
Cagesan: I love machine 01/03/07
Call Me Loretta: Crosswind 01/25/05
Call Me Loretta: Mountains and Rivers Between Us 05/17/11
Call me Loretta / Nuit Noire: split single 11/05/06
Caroline Nin: Scarlet Stories 11/09/03
Christophe Miossec: A Prendre 12/03/98
Clara Bellino: Embarcadero Love 05/09/09
CocoRosie: Noah's Ark 11/16/05
Collection D'Arnell Andrea: Tristesse des Mânes 04/27/02
Cyann and Ben: Happy Like an Autumn Tree 04/24/05
Daft Punk: Human After All 03/25/05
Davide Balula: Pellicule 07/13/03
Demon: Midnight Funk 03/20/00
Dian B: Brussels-Paris 01/03/07
Dominique A: Remué 04/30/99
Dyonisos: Happening Songs 12/24/96
Eiffel: Abricotine 04/08/01
Elliott Murphy: Notes From The Underground 09/15/08
Ensemble Aleph: Arrêts Fréquents 05/11/98
Flóp: Le Désordre 05/18/00
Get Back Guinozzi!: Low Files Tropical 10/04/09
Gotan Project: La Revancha Del Tango 01/28/02
Jean-Louis Murat: Mustango 11/23/99
Katzenjammer Kabarett: Katzenjammer Kabarett 07/11/06
Konki Duet: Il Fait Tout Gris 09/28/04
Les Godzillas: self-titled 7" 04/22/97
Les Limbes: Hypersonic 04/04/15
Les Négresses Vertes: Trabendo 12/22/99
Les Secrets de Morphée: Les ielles 06/10/98
Les Thugs: Nineteen Something 01/12/98
Liz Cherhal: L'homme chrysantheme 05/20/08
Mélissa Laveaux: Dying Is A Wild Night 12/17/13
M83: Before the Dawn Heals Us 01/25/05
Madrid: Night Clubber 03/02/99
Marijane Miracle: La Vie Est Dure! 09/26/07
Mary's Child: Mini Lap 06/20/97
Massilia Sound System: Aiollywood 02/11/98
Mediavolo: A Secret Sound 01/03/07
Micro:Mega: Human 02/08/01
Micro:Mega: Photosphere 09/25/99
My Imaginary Loves: Unemotional 02/25/13
Nehl Aelin: Ghost Of A Child 12/05/06
Oberkampf: Oberkampf 08/04/01
Odessey & Oracle: Odessey & Oracle and The Casiotone Orchestra 02/04/15
One for Jude: Bonheur dynamique 10/04/09
Orange Blossom: Orange Blossom 03/13/98
Orly: Matériau 01/31/99
Other Colors: 361 05/09/09
Pravda: A l'ouest 07/30/07
Purr: Open Transport 11/11/00
Purr: Whales Lead to the Deep Sea 09/16/97
Quentin Sirjacq: Far Islands And Near Places 08/18/16
Rachid Taha: Zoom 07/22/13
Rinocerose: Installation Sonore 05/30/99
Rinocerose: Installation Sonore 10/13/00
Rock In Opposition Festival: 20-22 September 2013 Maison de La Musique, Cap'Découverte, France 10/19/13
Rose et Noire: Rose et Noire 11/26/04
Rose et Noire: Tracé dans le bleu 05/13/06
Sebastien Tellier: Politics 08/30/04
Shane Cough: Intraveinuse 12/05/06
Sleeptalker: Sleeptalker 08/09/06
Superflu: Et Puis Après, on Verra Bien 11/04/98
Teradélie: 1st Mix AEO + Intro Plume 08/09/06
Teradélie: ZanaChronika 05/13/06
Teradelie: ZaZen 01/18/03
Useless: Urban Jungle 03/24/97
Various Artists: Panorama 02/11/98
Watoo Watoo: La Fuite 08/28/07
Won: A Forest 12/15/05
XVII° Vie: An introduction: Past Isn't Dead 06/10/98
Yann Tiersen: Skyline 10/12/11
Yelle: Pop-up 12/24/07
Zera Vaughan: Back to the Roots 05/02/07
dXd: Mr Rose Aime La Pop 08/15/00
  1996-2025 Luna Kafé