Canada - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 10 - 08/18/97
By Divine Right
All Hail Discordia
Squirtgun Records
This new CD from Toronto trio BDR is a simple, old-fashioned riff-loving
pop album. The songs are melodic but mellow, contemplative but joyful.
It's one of those albums you want to just sit back and 'be' when you listen
to. Maybe get out the lemonade and the big straw hat and have a nice sit,
in your lawn chair in the sunshine. The songs generally have a slow,
crusin' pace, with definite charm and grace even when the lyrics may get
awkward ("i believe in bigfoot, bigfoot believes in trees"). Jose's vocals
always embrace a sort of joyful belief in "everyone" and everything he is
singing about.
All lyrical themes are simple, graceful, and consistent.
With drug-hazed titles like Rock High and Sofa Tour that were just
made for relaxing and not worrying about anything. These lyrical themes
are also very evident musically, with the slow, but very catchy tunes that
really make you feel good. The vocals are nicely harmonized and very
calm and cool, in the sort of way that makes you smile confidently. These
songs are fairly unique in the way that they can be both slow, and
bouncy-catchy simultaneously. Of course in an album like this we must have
our oohs and aaah and nananananahs to encourage our toe tappings and
blissful joy. Unfortunately the only comparison I could possibly think of
is Guided By Voices (don't ask where I hear that) meet The Beatles... and
they take sleeping pills.
Copyright © 1997 Laura Bowman 