US - Kentucky - Full Moon 101 - 12/26/04
Eenie Meenie Records
Okay, I've been excitingly awaiting this one. Robert Schneider's side-project having some time
off the wonderful Apples in Stereo (and Marbles!). ulysses (yup, all lower-case letters) and their
010 is 30 minutes of... just the music I was hoping for. Apple-heads: breathe out, join in.
And breathe in the bouncy, jangly pop sound we've learned to love. This 'ulysses' is not as foggy
as James Joyce's.
ulysses is a four piece band and besides Schneider on guitar/lead vocals, there's John Ferguson
(of Von Hemmling) on drums/sings, Ben Fulton on synthesizer/bass, and Robert Beatty on electronics.
Opening song "Push You Away" is brilliant starter, with its perfectly dazed built-up, neatly arranged.
And the lyrics are oddly sad: "I wanna push you away from
me, you're too good for me" And: ..."Inside a
pissed-off prostitute I tried to get my mind off you, I wanna push you away from me, and set you
free, I wanna push you away, you're too good for me". And the guitar sounds like surggical
steel in slow motion. There are several songs on the more speedy and energetic side, like the extremely
catchy "Frustrated", and "Burning You". Another cool track is "Castles In Spain", where Schneider
and his ulysses reminds me slightly of, beleive it or not, Wire fronted by Tom Verlaine. Then there's
the stand-out track and my personal favorite, "Change", which is one of the most beautiful songs
Schneider has written. Ever. The final personal fave is "Evening Star", also a bouncy and upbeat
piece of elastic pop. And, hey, there's a funny twist on the last song, "Her Silver Veil": its guitar
chorus reminds me of an old trad. Swedish folk song...!? ("Vem kan segla förutan vind?", Eng.:
"Who can sail without the wind?"). A strange coincidence or...
010 is 10 songs you must provide yourself or hope to get for Xmas (if so you'll know by
now). Unwrap one by one and you'll become highly satisfied. Alternative pop at its best.
Pst! Check also out Hilarie's side project, The High Water Marks.
Copyright © 2004 Håvard Oppøyen 