Canada - Full Moon 118 - 05/13/06
Amanda Mabro and the Cabaret Band
Superwoman in the Making
XXX1-21 Records
Amanda Mabro's debut lives up to the backing band's cabaret moniker. She's got the cabaret thing down pat. Her vocals are delightfully charming and the backing fluid. "One fine Man" sounds like a song from the forties but she wrote it herself. "1000 Years" is a sprightly song that appears to have popped out of another time too. "Swing with Me" is sweet and jazzy, Mabro's gorgeous vocal and presence elevating it. "Beautiful Songs" is what the title says, a slow sultry purr of a song with a sting in the tail. This debut is maybe born out of time, but its world is a lovely place.
Copyright © 2006 Anna Maria Stjärnell 