Canada - Full Moon 123 - 10/07/06
The Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir
Fighting and Onions
Shoutin' Abner Pim Records
Every once in a while there comes along a band, a man, a woman or any type of substance of this world (or outerworldly for that matter) that seem to bring along something new, in the veins of something deeply traditional. You don't care where it comes from or the shape of its being. There's something about it that grabs you by any chosen vital organ and whips it around and playfully puts it anywhere it wants.
This time I'll put The Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir responsible for any misplacing of vitalities in my body.
How can you resist titles such as "Lighten Up, Would Ya?", "Vinegar & Piss" and "Lousy Drunk"? I can't. Considering that they put such titles into life by the sincere and deep seriousness of their craft - angst-ridden and sensitive musicality - you can only win by joining their mission. I can see some relation to 16 Horsepower and Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, and even old ZZ Top if you care for it. But, of course, at the bottom of this lies a deep understanding of where it all came from to begin with.
The drive of "Preaching Blues", the agnostic approach to (the fact) "Death Don't Have No Mercy" and the hell-bent beat of "Buried Them In Water" actually implies you should invite your friends over, serve more than enough whiskey, turn up your stereo and see what happens. If they have equal shares of humour and tendencies towards the blues, they'll dance their asses off and laugh in the face of Satan. As if The Agnostics ever believed in such a force.
Copyright © 2006 Anders Svendsen 