Canada - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 13 - 11/14/97
The Elmocombo, Toronto, Oct. 30th 97
The Inbreds, Thrush Hermit, Plumtree, 4-star Movie
After much fuss and cafufle this show got underway in the midst of Ontario's largest
political protest: the teacher's strike (thank god!). After standing outside for a while
in the nippy October afternoon, the show's organizer Dave Humphreys decided it would be
OK for us kids to come in. So up the creaky steps of the Elmocombo we ventured late that
would-be school night.
First up, was Toronto's little-known 4-star Movie, who did a nice set. They played
Honey Glaze (something was just terribly wrong during that song, too bad too,
'cuz it's a really good one!) off of their 7" on Skull Geek records, and that song with
the kazoo, and shakers. Somehow that set didn't seem to get too much of a positive
reaction from the crowd, which is unfortunate for 4-star Movie. I think it was because
they didn't play the song with the keyboard, that song iz cool. I actually blame the
crowd for that large empty space in front of the stage, just 'cuz they aren't on Murder
doesn't mean they suck, geez!
Next up were Plumtree. It was the 5th time I'd seen them this year, (second time that
day!) and I feel pretty comfortable saying that if you've seen them play once, you've
seen them a million times. But it was nice to hear some songs off the new record Plumtree
Predicts The Future - always lots of fun, and hey, if you can't get into dancing to
Plumtree, you just can't have fun! I believe they had a dancing contest for a free CD.
Then the real mind-blowing performances began, Thrush Hermit, as always were the mighty
kings of live performance. They got out that neon "rock'n'roll" sign, (if just watching
them set that giant thing up on that tiny stage, didn't get you excited, then check your
pulse, I think you're dead.) Boy can they rock, they played stuff off of Great Pacific
Ocean and Sweet Homewrecker, as expected, but there were a couple
treats in there as well. I don't know what exactly it is that the Hermits do live that
makes them so damn cool but it just can't be topped.
I think that wild performance made the Inbreds a little edgy, bassist Mike O'Neill seemed
a tad uncomfortable as they set up, and throughout the set he made comments like "you're
all naked so you can't hurt me". But despite the sweat rolling down his face, and the
overdone lighting that ruined Dave's lovely hand-made light show, they played a very good
show. They played 2 new songs set to be on the new record in March - Get along and
White Caps, which went over quite well, some treasures of that set were I guess the
beloved Any Sense Of Time, You Will Know, and Amelia Earheart - the
priceless stuff off of Kombinator.
It was nice to see the Inbreds touring as their usual "just guitar and base" format. They
said it was because it was too expensive to bring a guitarist along, but whatever the reason,
it is definitely nice to see them back to the way they seem most natural. That set was
particularly long, just over an hour I believe, and most of the younger kids had filed sadly
out the door by the time the last song rolled around. But all in all I was impressed, not only
with the slick timing of the show, but the entire way the gig was organized (although I'm
not a fan of the way the upstairs of the Elmocombo is set up). A bit pricey, but definitely
worth every penny. Good stuffz! I will humbly await these bands' return.
Copyright © 1997 Laura Bowman 