France - Full Moon 134 - 08/28/07
Watoo Watoo
La Fuite
Letterbox Records
Michael and Pascale make up Watoo Watoo and craft impeccable pop with gorgeous vocals. "A cause de moi" is a gentle samba-influenced song with Pascale singing sweetly to a lovely melody. "Ipb" is reminiscent of Saint Etienne at their best, and the singing is a swoon. The song gets funky in a seventies way and beautifully so.
Michael's obvious love for all things Gainsbourg shines through and influences parts of the album. "Ne pas croire" hits the spot, a candied pop confection capable of lifting anyone's spirits. The duo's chemistry is never clearer than here. Watoo Watoo are a band to treasure.
Copyright © 2007 Anna Maria Stjärnell 