Norway - Full Moon 136 - 10/26/07
Matias Tellez
Tamias Mellez
Gjøa Studio/Sonet
When Tellez was about 15 years old he made a name for himself as a "wonder-boy" in Norwegian music. He made the decision not to go for making a record at such a young age, and here's the proof that it might have been worth the wait.
Artists as young and with such exploding talent as Tellez have a tendency of wanting to expose all their genius at once and choose such crooked ways that I'm lost halfway through the first song. The odd twists and turns will all but impress me, and the cleverness all but thrill me. That's the trap Tellez doesn't fall into. And a lot more important; he sounds like an 18-year old playing around and picking up inspiration from all across the map. It sometimes sounds as they might go wrong, they might fall over or crash. In other words: the music is alive. Although sticking to the formula of power-pop (all songs but three is over 3 minutes long), it's a vital record not stuffed too much or painted in too much detail.
Sondre Lerche was the very-mature-very-young artist from Bergen some ten years ago and Tellez' story has some obvious similarities, but given that Tellez goes on with his playfulness I assume he'll keep me interested for a long time.
Copyright © 2007 Anders Svendsen 