Australia - Full Moon 147 - 09/15/08
My Majestic Star
Too Late, The Day
Hidden Shoal Recordings
Too Late, The Day is the Australian ambient/shoegazing/post-rock band My Majestic Star's second album. It opens with the light dreamy title track which floats directly into "On afternoons", the album's without doubt best piece. A ten minute long droning paradise, or joyful hell. It delivers you into a disturbing non-calm calmness. Aching you to listen, and almost punishing you for doing so when taking you into this beautiful peaceful landscape where no rest is to be found, but oh so many broken promises...
It is not like; and then it all went downwards from there. It just doesn't get any better.
Unlike My Majestic Star's previous work this album features Chris Mason's voice on both the single "and having a reason why", "Fill Empty spaces" and "Open to Feel". (Btw, Chris Mason is My Majestic Star.) And yet his voice becomes the music, those tracks still get somewhat more regular. And probably needless to say when labelling this as shoegazing post-rock, more obviously introvert. Where the pure instrumental tracks has this edge, this kind of almost creepy ability to get under your skin.
And even though nothing on this album can claim to be including. It touches you, and will not leave you emotionally un-disturbed, in every positive meaning of disturbing.
Copyright © 2008 Aslaug O. Klausen 