US - Oregon - Full Moon 149 - 11/13/08
Blitzen Trapper
Sub Pop / Tuba!
After three albums on their own label, Blitzen Trapper became a part of the SubPop family yesteryear. And Furr is their first record there. And as far as
I can hear that hasn't been a bad choice either for SubPop or Blitzen Trapper. They mingle well with most of SubPop's other portefolio.
Blitzen Trapper do as so many other of their contemporary indiefriends do - they turn to the late 60ies. And in a way that makes them sound not just like
somthinhg you have heard before, but like any other in-the-middle-of-the-road bands that are so-called up and coming. But then, when you almost credit that
this is just perfectly ok, you get songs like the title track "Furr", "Not Your Lover" or "Love U". In these you find that Blitzen Trapper actually can
deliver almost perfect folk-indie tunes.
"Furr" is this very folkish, growing of age story, walking in the footsteps of so many other good folk-tunes. "Not Your Lover" the more piano based song,
but still with the harmonica at its heart. And the lyrics are just heartbraking. Such painful betrayl, which I find most appealing, almost loving how the
calmness and harmonica makes it even more true. Just as I might say I really do like "Love U" which is the exact opposite. It is demanding and insisting.
Leaving the folk for more oldtime psycidelic rock orientation. Probably I also should mention "Echo" and "God & Suicide" as tunes that makes you want to
listen to Blitzen Trapper over and over again. Espesially entering the winter as one do now. These songs perfectly suites the foggy november nights.
And maybe that is why it saddens me that so many of the other tracks on this album borderlines the plain ordinary. Beacuse they obviously have something.
Something very good going.
Copyright © 2008 Aslaug O Klausen 