US - California - Full Moon 163 - 12/31/09
Jason Lytle
Merry X-mas 2009 from...
At the ebb of the of the year, as a X-mas gift to the fans, here's a little freebie - a digital album from Jason Lytle. Only half a year after his first solo outing, Yours Truly, The Commuter.
Merry X-mas 2009 isn't a regular 'album', it's just... a piano accompaniment to whatever you want to do. Sit, or lay down and listen, do some x-mas gift wrapping, read a book, have a cup of tea, or a glass (or several) of wine. Simply do something... relaxing, nothing filled with speed and/or stress. For the recordings Jason sat up some microphones in his living room and recorded some 35 minutes of improvisational piano music. Like he says: "...playing my piano at home is one of my favorite things to do (in terms of music)..." Out came seven pieces of music.
Merry X-mas 2009 isn't mind-blowing stuff, but it does effect your mind in a way of clearing it by sweeping away tension and negative thoughts. Despite the sad drenched (Lytle's is as always travelling the paths of melancholia) little tunes. The songs are spur-of-the-moment plink-plunk piano improv. The half an hour-plus of music is a small winter journey guided by a mild-mannered Jason Lytle, maybe taking you to his Montana mountainside cabin. The songs have got low-voiced, low-key titles as well, such as "Last Conversation in Waltz Time", "Wild Animals Slowly Approaching the Lovely Country Funeral", "Out Cold on Indian Ambien", "Good Chord Song for LP Two" or "SepDecember Song". Again, not the most awesome songs from Lytle's, being nothing more than some mere sketches. For LP two.
Thanks, Jason, and a merry X-mas to you! Well, thinking of it, when he'll be reading this x-mas will be long since over. A happy 2010, then!
Copyright © 2009 Håvard Oppøyen 