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coverpic flag US - Colorado - Full Moon 175 - 12/21/10

The Apples in Stereo
Holiday Mood
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Just in time for this year's Christmas holiday, Robert Schneider and his candied pop Apples serves a fine little pop song as a season's greeting.

"Holiday Mood" is The Apples in Stereo in pure pop mode, and is a tender and gentle pop tune. It's a trademark Schneider tune, and it'll probably set a sweet and light mood perfectly before friends and families gather to start the celebration. Or simply starting to relax, having a real good time. Hip hooray, and a Ho-ho-ho!

Copyright © 2010 Håvard Oppøyen e-mail address

You may also want to check out our Apples in Stereo articles/reviews: #1 Hits Explosion!, - an interview with Robert Schneider, The Discovery of a World Inside the Moone, Tone Soul Evolution, Velocity of Sound, Electronic Projects for Musicians, New Magnetic Wonder, Travellers In Space And Time.

© 2011 Luna Kafé