US - Maryland - Full Moon 179 - 04/18/11
All over Everywhere
Inner Firmaments Decay
Emkog Records
All Over Everywhere plays songs by members Dan Britton and Trinna Kesner and they make soft progressive rock. Opener "Art of the Earth" is a dreamy song in the Pink Floyd mold that sees Meagan Wheatley's floaty voice submerged beneath a bed of instruments. "The Shroud" gets a bit on the dark side, and the musicians really use their instruments to their fullest capacity. Wheatley's voice is a tiny speck on the map, and it seems to suit the majestic song. "After all the Years" is a nicely orchestrated song that recalls the late seventies work of Yes. The beauty of the song is almost unbearable.
The epic closer "Gratitude" sees them firing on all cylinders, and it's maybe Wheatley's finest hour as a singer. It's a fitting closer for a promising debut.
Copyright © 2011 Anna Maria Stjärnell 