Canada - Full Moon 183 - 08/13/11
The Good Lovelies
Let The Rain Fall
Six Shooter Records
Three ladies make up the Good Lovelies: Caroline Brooks, Keri Ough and Sue Passmore. Their harmonies are spot on and match each other well, and their songs are just
stunning. It's a good-time Americana sound.
"Free" is an adorable song, with a fabulous tune, the three singers circling ach other like a chorus of Erin McKeowns. "Best I Know" is a sweet and pretty little song,
with an Edie Brickell-like mood that resonates strongly. "Kingston" is a song of longing for a loved one that has real soul, and flawless harmonies. The closing "Mrs T"
is a good note to end on, with some French lines thrown in for good measure. The lyrics are utterly wonderful, and it's one of those songs that's as familiar as an old
friend. It has plenty of company on this lovely record.
Copyright © 2011 Anna Maria Stjärnell 