Germany - Full Moon 183 - 08/13/11
Sankt Otten
Gottes Synthesizer
Denovali Records
I've been a, well maybe not fan, but rather an admirer of Sankt Otten's music for some years (since 1999 they've released 4 albums and several EPs), though several
records. Like their debut, Eine Kleine Traurigkeit. However, I was a bit disappointed with their last album, Morgen
wieder lustig.
Gottes Synthesizer is a somewhat different Sankt Otten record, diving into the world of 1970s and 1980s synthesizers, a journey/voyage that started with
the split record they did with Majeure last year, of slowly and quietly droning synths. This is said to be a homage to krautrock -- to Neu! and Klaus Schulze, and even
to Brian Eno. Well, much of this is pleasant stuff, real ear candy if you're onto the synthetic, yet analogue slow train. Stephan Otten and Oliver Klemm also show great
proof of good and necessary humour, with titles like "Halleluja, German Angst" and "Sternstunden Der Resignation" -- true angst-ballads, right? Not to forget "Thom Yorkes
Letzte Grosse Liebe"!
The title track "Gottes Synthesizer" is the monstrous, epic core piece of the record. An ode to the great synth God, I guess. Otherwise the songs tickle and bubble,
and float freely in many directions. My biggest problem with the album is its length. 13 tracks, clocking in at some 70 minutes is quite a marathon listen. I'd prefer,
as I always do, shorter albums. Yet, with this genre a certain length is essential. Everything should stretch, it should last long. Like ever-continuing,
space-filled soundscapes.
Gottes Synthesizer is challenging, but it's also a monumental piece of work. It's elevation music.
Copyright © 2011 Håvard Oppøyen 