Norway - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 19 - 05/11/98
Trust Us
It's a couple of months since Trust Us was released, but I felt that I needed to
spend some time with this record before reviewing it. This is Motorpsycho's 6th album, and, as
always when it comes to Motorpsycho records, it sure is a massive piece of work. Just over 80
minutes of music, released as a double CD (or a double vinyl album). If there is a band in the
world today with total artistic freedom, its name is Motorpsycho. They never compromise in what
they do, and will never try to sell-out. Motorpsycho keep on being stoic, strenghtening their
already solid integrity. However, this isn't their best album.
Trust Us sort of continues the route from last years album, Angels And Daemons At Play.
They're still checking out space (as they tell on the cover-sheet: "Space is the place"), and
they still wander the corridors of the 70's. Bent, Snah, and Gebhardt, the three wise men of
Motorpsycho, has invited some of their associates and prospects over to the studio, bringing
a menagerie of instruments to add lots of colour to the wide and high wall of sound Motorpsycho
always present. Former regular member Deathprod has even brought a theremin this time, and Ohm
plays his saw and violin as he did on Angels And Daemons.... They even play flutes made
out of reindeer antlers, and crystal glasses, credited to the trademark of the Hadeland glass
company! Quite often Motorpsycho grab a space-mantra, on which they surf away. Steering their
shuttle with a certain precision, despite moments of improvisation. And I must say: I'm not
keen on joining them on every distant musical-trip they do.
To mention some songs, I'd say Vortex Surfer is one of the most exciting moments of
Trust Us. A 9 minute epic, with a rather smooth and quiet lift-off. Before take-off for
a journey to somewhere far off, guided by glockenspiel, moog taurus, and mellotron. Plus loads
of guitars, and a monster-bass. The most surprising tune on the album is Snah's low-voiced
Coventry Boy. Definitely one of Motorpsycho's most delicate moments. True beauty.
The brilliant song Hey, Jane (the 2nd single choise), ends the album. A catchy staccato tune with nice
electric sitar jangles played by Bent. Probably explosive when played live. Of course there
is an epilogue closing the album - a short and awkward instrumental called Dolphyn,
which could've been the soundtrack for one of Tom Waits' bizarre dreams.
Well, disc 2 of Trust Us is the better one in my opinion. I still trust Motorpsycho,
and I'm curious to see what their next move will be. Maybe another "pop" album of Blissard
calibre? Until then: don't get lost in space. Keep clear of black holes when you're out there.
Copyright © 1998 Håvard Oppøyen 