England - Full Moon 197 - 09/30/12
From head to heart
The Beatles' first
Following our retroscope series of latter years, here we go again! Here's Speakers'
corner's cousin; From head to heart. Luna Kafé's focused eye on great events, fantastic happenings,
absolute milestones, or other curious incidents from the historic shelves'n'vaults of pop'n'rock. Blowing our ears and our head, punching our chest and shaking our heart.
Making us go sentimental, but not slaphappy. This moonth the Lunar time traveling shuttle takes us 50 years back in time! Wow! A new record for Luna Kafé. It's not
Elvis. It's not Perkins, or Orbison, or Cash, or Jerry Lee. It's of course The Rutl...., sorry, it's...:
The Beatles
Love Me Do/PS I Love You
Love love me do
You know I love you
I'll always be true
So please, love me do
Not so much special about this little platter. Sparsely arranged, nice harmonica breaks by John when he is not singing. But Ringo wasn't even allowed to play drums, only tambourine, and George Martin wasn't
present when the final and most common version was recorded. It didn't make a lot of stir. Still it climbed to no. 17 in the national charts, allegedly due to manager Brian Epstein buying 10 000 copies for
his chain of record stores, to be sure to make it to the Top 20. But only 16 months later the West was won and the world was changed forever. A few days after the full moon, by 5 October, it turns 50. The times
they are a-changin', but the classics remain classics...
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