Canada - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 23 - 09/06/98
Mean Red Spiders
Places You Call Home
Teenage USA Records
The baby-blue cover of Places You Call Home says "the new analgesic white
sound" and "a natural relaxant"; both of these things describe the album
deliciously well. It is white sound, it makes you feel like you are
floating. The vocals make me think of Stereolab, and little sounds here and
there make me think of Versus. There is a multitude of sounds on each
track, each one very gentle and repetitive. The sound sort of engulfs you
like water, little elements bubble up around you. This is the debut album
from a Toronto band that has been around forever.
Despite the slight crudity of one or two tracks, this album proves that they
are talented and ingenious musicians. This is one of those albums should never
require an accompanying activity. Just turn it up loud and recline in your seat
until you are inside the maelstrom they create. The album gets increasingly
vigorous as it progresses so it should not put you to sleep. It is a
beautiful and fuzzy, noisy album made in the best tradition of pop music.
Copyright © 1998 Laura Bowman 