US - Oregon - Full Moon 238 - 01/24/16
Cars & Trains
C&T / Circleintosquare
Tom Filepp starts the New Year with giving us this surprise EP (exclusively on Bandcamp, free for Bandcamp subscribers - come on, join! Support your fave players!), holding 'odds and ends'
and/or 'a handful of instrumental pieces that didn't make it onto' Dust. Well, I really liked Dust
(check it out!), and Filepp calls Drifts 'a fun little diversion of beats and ambient pieces.' Enjoy.
The drifting of Drifts starts with the short "Painted Wings" before the title track takes off with its electronic shuffle. Filepp plays around his electronica play-yard, creating his
bubbling, buzzing, and spinning soundscapes. His laidback grooves are cool and chilling, yet warming and comfortable. The tracks blend rhythmic temperature and melodic passion to a fine mixture.
"Simstim" (inspired by William Gibson's Neuromancer?) is a bouncy and entertaining track, with its punchy and twirling drive. The dark and light "Everything I still don't understand"
is yet another whimsical, enjoyable moment, while "Continental drifts" keeps the exciting tour going with its crooked instrumentation on top a pleasant melody. In the end we stop by the seaside
accompanied by "Throw it in the Sea", being a relaxing outro while throwing sticks and stones in the water.
Step in join the ambient, pop-electronica cool-beat, or to quote him: the 'electronic-folk toy-instrument live-looping craziness' world of Cars & Trains!
Copyright © 2016 H. Oppøyen 