Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag US - Oregon - Full Moon 247 - 10/16/16

Cars & Trains
Secret Worlds

"Secret Worlds" is tagged as a 'new, unreleased song made from leftovers from the Dust recording sessions with William Ryan Fritch'. Yes, please, I like leftovers.

Tom Filepp is one creative mind residing in Portland, Oregon. Filepp describes himself (and his whereabouts) as an 'Avid live-looper, tinkerer, coder, maker of small worlds.' I've been checking out and listening to Filepp's Cars & Trains project for some years, and I really enjoyed the sound of Dust - a thrillingly beautiful, all-instrumental album from the electronic sub-genre folktronica. Circleintosquare's press sheet had the most fitting description of Dust when calling it 'the soundtrack to the stars in all of our heads'. Exactly to the point of things. After Dust, Fillepp surprised us with the nice Drifts EP. Now, here's a track that didn't make it onto Dust.

"Secret Worlds" sees another looping, swirling 'space jam' between Filepp (synthesizers, toys, and most instruments) and Fritch (piano and cello), and the result is a dizzying, spellbinding organic piece of music. Be curious, be supportive. Go visit Filepp's Bandcamp site: Subscribe!

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You may also want to check out our Cars & Trains articles/reviews: Drifts, Dust, The Roots, The Leaves, We Are All Fire.

© 2016 Luna Kafé