US - Maryland - Full Moon 239 - 02/22/16
Animal Collective
Domino Recording Company
Four years after Centipede Hz (2012) the playful Animal Collective is ready with a new album, their 10th entitled Painting With. Painting
With was released on February 19 and we will come back to it with a full review next LK issue. While we are waiting, here is the first single off the album and the opening track of the
album, "FloriDada".
"FloriDada" was launched on November 30 (it has been followed by another two 'singles' since the new year, namely "Lying in the Grass" and "Golden Gal"), and this is for sure the sound
of Animal Collective as we know them. Love'em, hate'em - they will return, again and again and again. This time, Deakin (a.k.a. Josh Dibb) has left(?) the collective, leaving the fun boy
three being Avey Tare (a.k.a. David Portner), Panda Bear (a.k.a. Noah Lennox), and Geologist (a.k.a. Brian Weitz) for now. Since their last album both Avey
Tare and Panda Bear have had fun on their own (or along with other players). "FloriDada" is one energetic, fast spinning, Beach Boys-tinted, Dadaist
pop song. It is as sunny and catchy as the title implies, with a fast lyrical stream. Like usually with Animal Collective, the song is presenting whipsmart, quickstep lyrics and word playfulness.
They (or Avey Tare) wrote the song as a reaction to the joking about Florida - the prejudice of and stereotypes (easily) made/formed about Floridians. Well, the song could be seen as a comment
towards making stereotypes in general - of people living anywhere, in whatever place/country/state around the world. The lyrics are indeed amusing and they leave you thinking: Hmmm, I have been
to this place...? Or...?
I don't even know where to begin or how I should start these days
The green mountain south or The Clay of the westerns
The Maryland meadows at midnight they do have a misty grace
Take a trip to blue bayou, find Roy Orbison cryin'
A continent molded from glass or maybe a town I can taste
Dresses that glow on girls from Barcelona
I wanna discover the key and open the everywhere place
A mix of sky from Montana dipped in FloriDada... flori, flori, flori...
...'I found myself there a collagin' with all of the human race
A dancer from Ghana smiling in Tijuana
Frankenstein java with touches of Prada and corn on the plates
A smear of gardenia in the fair hair of Sweden
And maybe I actually visited some sort of mythical place
Or was it a future connected by sutures
Oh let's go get lost in the image I made of the everywhere place
I see the lads from Osaka dyed in FloriDada...
Yes, this could most definitely be somewhere you have been to, in some city near you... "FloriDada" is a magnificent return by Animal Collective. Hope this goes for the entire album. And,
you know, sometimes are stereotypicality true, and necessary - just for the sake of feeding us with fun and madness. It is for sure an absurd world we live in.
Copyright © 2016 HåvarDada Oppøyen 