Germany - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 24 - 10/05/98
The Inchtabokatables
Too Loud
KP Music / BMG
Here it is, the follow-up and the sister release to last years album
Quiet. Regardless of the title the music on this disk is no louder than
on the last disk Quiet (which wasn't quiet at all to begin with). The
Inchtabokatables still don't use any guitars, and still the music sounds
like they would. However, very often they abuse their violins and cello
by playing them like guitars, therefore they sound like guitars. So once
you got over the first enthusiasm about the instrumentation (and this is
their fifth full length album) you have to realize that they're not that
different from any other rock band sonically. You have to decide for
yourself if this is exciting or boring.
The album is very well produced, lots of interesting sounds and noises.
Another step ahead for the band, yet another step towards the mainstream.
On the way they lost all the humorous elements of their older records.
But let's judge the new record on its own merits, not on past glories:
The first track Red Skies, one of the two tracks with (partly) German
lyrics on this disk, sounds like a Rammstein copy (ironically the
Rammstein bass player was a member of the Inchtabokatables once).
Probably an effect of the deep voice speaking German lyrics. Confined
Love afterwards is almost relaxing.
Selling our Souls, the third track, starts very heavy, but later you can
actually identify the violins for the first time on this album.
Destination is a dynamic rock song, a nice combination of the
violin-like and guitar-like tones. You Chained m e up is a mix of a
ballad in the verse and a kicking rock song in the chorus.
Too Loud is a slow and bass heavy song. Kiss your Ear is most
memorable for the bombastic drum sound. Despite its waltz rhythm Watch
out is also a heavy rock song. If they'd played Chachoo-Choocha with
guitars it would've sounded the same - the sound effects on this track are
nice as well. The next track My Eyes does not offer anything
outstanding, just a pop song.
Wer? is the second German song, a hate song for all awkward customers, a
nice one, but mostly the lyrics make it memorable. Like too many other
records the CD ends with a ballad, in this case a (mostly) piano track
called Sleep Well.
Bottom line: Not bad, but I think they've done better in the past. If
you like mainstream rock done with non-mainstream instruments, then buy
it, but if you're looking for something special, then get the older albums
Copyright © 1998 Lazy Locke 