Germany - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 8 - 06/20/97
The Inchtabokatables
K&P Music / BMG
Most people refer to them as 'the group with the unspeakable name' or, if
they are already familiar with them, 'Inchties' for short. Their special
characteristic is their instrumentation - two violins, a violincello, bass
guitar and drums. No guitars, as stated on the covers of all their
records including this one. The band came from a folk and medieval music
background, they were classified as folk punk band in the past. With
Quiet, their fourth album so far, they are breaking the limits of this
classification, however. This time it's more indie rock from an unusual
Despite the title of the opening track Listen To Quiet, the album is
anything but quiet, it's loud and dynamic. The sound is more rock
oriented than one would expect based on the instruments used. They do not
just play their instruments, they toy around with the sounds. We can
safely assume that the producers, Voodoo (founding member of the
Voodooclub, see the German review in Luna Kafe 4, February 22nd, 1997,
for reference) and Eroc had an influence here.
Sometimes singer B. Breuler whispers, sometimes he screams. The lyrics
are mostly in english, sometimes in German, so everybody will find
something to like.
They did also include two cover versions on the album, the better known
being Color Me Once originally performed by the Violent Femmes on the
soundtrack from "The Crow". Another track, The Cat, is dedicated to Mr.
James Joyce, and one of the few examples that sounds relatively
conventional like a real string arrangement. But the most interesting
track is the German sung Die Taube, were the sound experimentation was
taken as far as possible. You just wouldn't believe that most of these
sounds were produced by a distorted and abused violoncello. The finale is
the epic and dynamic Love Song which builds up slowly to an unsuspected
break in the middle.
I would suggest everybody who likes non-standart rock music to give this
album a try.
Copyright © 1997 Lonely Locke 