Norway - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 25 - 11/04/98
The Smell Of Incense
European Tour 1998 (1)
Won't you, won't you come with us on a psychedelic holiday, sang my
friends in The Smell Of Incense, and without too much hesitation I
grabbed them by the words. The first gig was to be in a youth club in
Berlin called Die Linse, which sounded all right to a vegetarian like
me (Linse = lentil).> Most of the recorded output of The Smell Of
Incense has been released by the German label September Gurls. It
includes two albums and singles and half a 10" EP (the second album
was released last summer and pre-reviewed at Luna at an early stage).
Because of good reception to all their releases, they've had an offer
for several years from the people of the Belgian psychedelic magazine
Crohinga Well to do a low budget tour. Now finally they decided to
make the great leap. Work and parental obligations had to be sorted
out, a mini bus to contain eight people, lots of instruments and gear
was hired. The tour was to include Germany and Belgium, and a gig in
the Netherlands in addition. They were not sure how many gigs they'd
play until the last days before departure. And they didn't have any
written agreements (contracts if you like); Smell Of Incense is not a
professional band. They set out on a rainy Thursday evening in the
middle of October from their home town of Arendal, picked up a couple
of the guys living in Oslo and left Norway the next morning. I went by
train the following evening. Time to present the Smelly
Vincents: Lumpy Davy (guitars and vocals), Cool Kat (drums and
sneezes) and Han Solo (bass and vocals) started the band about 12
years ago. Ernie Chung (guitars, vocals and brass) and Bumble B
(vocals and fiddle) joined a few years later and naturally expanded
the sound. On this tour they also brought along semi-permanent members
Brt Blaster (voice and spacebubbling synth), Mickey Moog (keyboards,
brass and vocals) and producer/soundman Bjorn F. The latter inclusions
were very wise moves. I guess they would've had huge problems to get
any sound, at least any decent sound, if it hadn't been for Bjorn F.
in particular. The music is so-called retro, a blend of their own
psychedelic and progressive songs and cover versions of highlights
from the psychedelic 60s and progressive 70s such as The Smell Of
Incense by The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band, A Visit
With Ashiya by Merrel Fankhouser's HMS Bounty, Why Did I Get So
High by Peanut Butter Conspiracy, Gong's What Do You Want
and Magick Brother etc. These are not pale blueprints of the
originals. The band tries to interpret them their own way. For
instance, Incredible String Band's acoustic Witch's Hat is
turned into a full blown electric folk-rocker, Kinks' Fancy
(not part of the tour set) is taken to the extremes: a raga rock
number with sitar and all, whereas with Pink Floyd's Interstellar
Overdrive, they've only kept the opening and closing riff of the
original. The 15 plus minute middle parts used to sound closer to Gong
earlier, I think, now it's something else, probably their own sound.
That's why they call it (The Smell Of) Interstellar
My journey by
train took about 17 hours via Copenhagen and Hamburg. After a lot of
rain, it was a clear and sunny afternoon in Berlin, almost summer.
Hooray! I took the underground from Bahnhof Zoo to a station nearby
Die Linse in Lichtenberg in the far east of Berlin. And guess what;
the band hadn't arrived yet. They should've been there half an hour
earlier at 17, but of course had troubles to: a) find the club, and
finally b) find a way to drive the minibus to the entrance of the
club. They turned up within an hour and had enough time to do a
decent sound-check. I was told of an almost sleepless previous night
and how the bus had stopped on a Swedish motorway. "Well, the engine
is broken down, this is it, end of tour", they'd thought. It turned
out they had only run out of gas, but the trip to the nearest gas
station took at least an extra hour. We got an excellent and
simple vegetarian meal and a few excellent German beers at the club.
The local opening act Frustration des Elch had put a contingent of
friends and fans on the guest list, and their set of heavy-progressive
kraut-rock was well received. I particularly enjoyed their organ
sound. The only problem was that half the people left after they had
finished... I won't tire you with endless descriptions of how The
Smell Of Incense's music varied from evening to evening.
Now, the first gig abroad went smoothly. The local PA system was
the best during the tour, I guess, and the stage was big enough for
the entire six men and one woman ensemble in spite of Mickey's range
of keyboards including an old electric Fender Rhodes piano, the
Mellotron and an extra mixing console. They started and ended the show
with Bumble B singing some Norwegian folk songs on her own. Then
straight into Czar's Tread Softly On My Dreams with lots of
mellotron. They continued with most songs off their singles, a few
from the first album and the suite From The Third Hemisphere
off the second album. They also performed a very memorable version of
Memories by Soft Machine, the best I've ever heard, and a 20
minute version of Hawkwind's space shanty Space Is Deep,
including some atonal and improvised parts. I guess there was an
encore before Bumble B ended the show at about 1.30 in the morning.
Brt introduced most of the songs from his low lotus position at the
right of the stage. But the band seldom started playing straight
afterwards, they had to discuss, hesitate, sip beer etc. first, which
goes to show they're an amateur band. Anyway, they turned more
professional that way during the tour. I guess the band was
tense at first, but eased off after the first three or four songs.
They've had far greater audiences back home, but was very well
received by the handful of people who stayed until the end, especially
Gert, the main organiser at the club, Henning who runs the Lollipop
Shop record label, and Sabina who on (too) short notice organised the
German part of the tour. She is a tour manager in her spare time,
working with Man and Fantasyy Factoryy among others, but surely lost
more money than she gained on this tour. It was decided to leave the
equipment at the club. After some more beers it was time to drive to
the house in Wedding (yes, very matrimonial!) at the other side of
town where we should stay for the night. Sabina drove in front in her
car to show the way. A wise move. We arrived there at about 4 in the
morning. Time for some more drinking and chatting. I eventually went
to sleep in the bus with Mr. Kat. In the end I managed to kick him
into a snoreless position... Soon after, it seemed, Lump entered the
bus to get some of his luggage. It was broad daylight, and one more
sunny day in Berlin. But evil omens were looming in the
distance... The very hospitable Wedding people had occupied the
house some 15 years ago. Now the relationship with the owners were
well arranged and they had rented their separate flats for quite some
time. We had a long, relaxed and nice Sunday breakfast in a huge
kitchen. Some of the inhabitants were old friends of Gert at Die
Linse. Kalle had been the organ player of a successful krautrock band
in the early 70s when he was still a teenager. Now he rehearsed with a
heavy-progressive trio that was not quite ready for the public yet. It
was his wife's birthday this very day.
Sabina offered a
sight-seeing tour of Berlin if it was time after the sound-check for
tonight's gig. First we had to fetch the gear at Die Linse. Once more
Sabina lead the way through the streets of Berlin, followed by the
band in their bus. The expedition took about two and a half hours. It
was a long way to drive and a lot to carry - including Cool Kat's fan
(well, not that kind of rock'n'roll fan; one to keep him as cool as
his name indicates, you know), video gear and psychedelic light
equipment - and it was time for a photo session, too, under the
rainbow. At 6 p.m. we turned up in front of the Bumerang club, as
agreed! This was much closer to the city centre than the club we had
just left. Bumerang was small, sort of a pub, the stage was too small
for seven people. And it was no room for the mixing desk in front of
the stage. Bjorn F had to stand behind the bar at the side of the
stage. Brt was to sit at the public side of the bar with his
hand-painted synth, and Bumble B had to stand in the steps to the
stage part of the time. Anyway, the people at the club brought along a
case or two of beer bottles and we got the equipment and instruments
into the room and in correct positions within a couple of hours. Two
boys calling themselves Family Freshlight (a well known local name, I
believe) had been hired and brought along a complete psychedelic light
show and occupied most of the rear end of the club. At 8.30 the sound-
and light-check was finished. No time for sight-seeing, of course, but
some of us drove back to the house in Wedding to change clothes while
the rest remained in Bumerang to handle some small technical
difficulties. We got some warm and nice fish soup in the kitchen. Not
quite the Norwegian way as intended, but excellent it was. Back to the
Bang-bang a-boome-boome-rang at 10 along with Kalle and Paul.
The club was crowded. Gert and Henning had turned up. Everything
looked promising, but Bumble B was tense. She was catching a cold
and ordered a cup of tea at the bar. Because of misunderstandings she
didn't get it for some time and it was not as hot as it ought to have
been when she finally received it. Anyway, the band had a good start
with their Gong suite. A long and psychedelic instrumental part with
glissando guitar and all, then folksy and whimsical at the end. Bumble
B sang a couple of songs, but not as convincing as usual. She was on
the verge of losing her voice. The set had to be changed, to spare her
vocal chord, and it ended with Tread Softly which had been intended
for the start after a break. Bjorn ran from behind the bar to the
centre of the room now and again to adjust the sound. It was better
than expected, Brt didn't even manage to make feed-back from his
position close to one of the speakers!
The members of the band
were not in the best of moods, and found out they had to include both
(The Smell Of) Interstellar Overdrive and Space Is Deep
for the second set. Almost an hour of instrumental space oddities and
free-form freak-out which was very well received. Ernie and Mickey
used their horns to great effect during the middle of Interstellar
Overdrive. In between they played Put The Clock Back On The
Wall by San Jose's E Types. The Smelly version sounds almost as a
country-pop-rocker in a Byrds'ian way. Quite schizophrenic to squeeze
in among the 20-30 minute instrumentals if you ask me, almost as
schizophrenic as the first Pink Floyd album. The band was encouraged
to do encores and started with the old I'm Allergic To Flowers
by Jefferson Handkerchief (off the legendary Pebbles Vol. 3
album) from the band's early days. But they couldn't remember the song
and had to give in. No problemo! Instead we got Tread Softly
once more. Great playing and singing, great lights and slides. One of
the highlights of the tour for yours truely which still keep
flashbacking in my head once in a while. Bumble B tried to finish the
evening with a Norwegian lullaby, but her voice gave in. A charming
end of what turned out to be a successful evening. The boys with the
lights got away with half of the money from the door, but the band
didn't care too much at the time. They were busy to talk to people,
sell a few records and get the equipment back into the bus. It was
nearly 2 a.m. Back in Wedding the birthday celebration
continued. The most eager boys of the band kept going until 7.30 next
morning. They found it somewhat hard to get up again at 10 as agreed.
Anyway, everyone was ready to leave the premises at about 12.30.
Bumble B and Lump also got to have a shower at the nearby bath and
brought along a pile of goods from the local chemist's shop to cure
the former's sore throat. And Han Solo and Lumpy Davy even washed the
dishes after breakfast. At 1 p.m. they set off for the next
town of the tour, Celle north of Hannover. I went for some
sight-seeing of Berlin at last, and followed by train later in the
afternoon. IN THE BASEMENT After a pleasant day
in sunny Berlin and a comfortable journey by rail, I arrived in Celle
at 9 in the evening. It was not hard to find the pub where the gig was
to be. Celler Loch (meaning something like trap-door of the cellar)
was in Bahnhofstrasse, i.e. Railway station street. I soon saw some
familiar persons at the pavement. It turned out they had arrived only
a few minutes before me. They had taken a wrong route out of Berlin
and was well on their way to Leipzig (in the south) instead of
Hannover (to the west of Berlin)... Also, Brt had been busy drinking
in the bus and they had to get off the Autobahn at a turnoff a little
too early, for him to pee, and of course they had difficulties once
more to find the right direction afterwards. When they finally arrived
in Celle after an 8 hour drive instead of 3-4 hours, the crowd at
Celler Loch applauded in welcome. In fact the gig should have started
at 7 and ended when the band arrived. Usually they only had live music
on Sunday afternoons, and they expected a very relaxed Monday band
with endless spheric sounds(!), according to the programme. There was
a bedroom where children were sleeping at the first floor just above
the pub. Or shall we say the small bar. It was small indeed, and
crowded as hell. Bumble B had lost her voice completely, it started to
rain, the band occupied about 1/3 of the room that made it even more
crowded (and half the pavement outside). Perfect conditions! Lump
wanted to call the gig off... But wonder of all wonders! Before
10 they had got the most neccessary gear in position, managed to get
some sound from the local antique amplifier for the voices and had a
sort of sound-check that gradually turned into Space Is Deep.
Not at all a bad idea! They managed to fill a nearly two hour set
without Bumble B's voice. Lump sang better than ever, Mickey sang a
lot more than usual and handled the little mixing console from his
position at the keyboards. Bjorn F and I sipped our beers at the other
side of the room in the crowd and Bjorn signalled to Mickey how to
adjust the sound. Brt was to introduce the songs as usual. He stood
with his back to the audience and got more and more hoarse and drunk
and was finally asked to leave by Lump. He sat sulking in the bus for
the rest of the evening. Rock'n'roll, eh? Anyway, some of the young
girls with punky coloured hair left the pub, too, but the middle aged
men were very enthusiastic, sang along to Put The Clock Back On The
Wall and went bananas during Interstellar Overdrive. They
looked up all band members afterwards, to get their autographs! That's
the way to do it when you're pushing 50! Bjorn F was a bit
disappointed that no-one was interested in the autograph of the
patient producer of the second Smell Of Incense album or the man
behind Melt ... The concert
was kind of a success against all odds, and ended at midnight, sharp.
Then, when half the people had left, the organisers at the pub let a
couple of hats go round to get some payment for the band... That was
the Celler Loch policy. If they had a normal entrance fee at the door,
no one would turn up, we were told. I think the band received about
130 marks, enough to cover the petrol expenses from Berlin and a
little more, maybe. Well, we got a lot to drink in addition and were
taken to the outskirts of the town where we should stay for the night.
We were warned that the house was a sort of building site (just like
parts of Berlin!) and very cold, but at least it was room for
everyone. Otherwise we might have spent the night in two different
camps. Anyway, we kept together, on the second floor of an old
farm-house, it seemed. And a cold and seedy room it was. I was lucky
to put my sleeping-bag in the huge bed at a comparably early stage
(2.30 in the morning, I guess) and stayed there for the rest of the
night while Mickey occupied another third of the bed. The others were
sleeping on old mattresses on the dirty floor. Even more rock'n'roll,
eh? Next morning we were guided to a cafe in town and got the
best breakfast of the entire tour. A long and luxurious meal. Great!
We even got time for some sight-seeing of the old town with lots of
houses from the 14th and 15th century that was not destroyed during
the last war. At 3 in the afternoon I parted with the band. They had
two evenings off before the next gig and intended to go to Amsterdam.
I went to the railway station and headed for Belgium to visit some old
friends. Read all about even more troubles and the rest of the
psychedelic crusade in Luna K's December menue.
Copyright © 1998 JP 