Norway - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 26 - 12/03/98
The Smell Of Incense
European Tour 1998 (2)
Last moon we heard of The Smell Of Incense's heroic tour across the
German continent despite little money and difficult sound systems on
their way. We parted a Tuesday afternoon in the nearly medieval city
of Celle. I went towards Belgium by train, while they set out for
Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Their next gig was more than 48 hours
away. I was going to visit a couple of old friends, Nadine Bal and
Alain Neffe who live outside Nivelles, another Belgian town, south of
Brussels. Together they're the avant garde band Bene Gesserit. Alain
is/was also responsible for the tape label Insane Music Contact, he
was a member of the Belgian group Pseudo Code, is still the heart of
the international project Human Flesh, he's been involved in a project
with Daniel Denis of Univers Zero etc. I also met an ex-member from
the early days of Univers Zero, but that's another story.
Meanwhile the members of The
Smell Of Incense and soundman Bjorn F were once again packed in the
bandbus and it was soon growing dark. We had started too late from
Celle. I only got as far as Aachen close to the Belgian border and it
was late in the evening when they reached the heart of Amsterdam. They
tried to find a hotel for the night, but everywhere they went there
were no vacancies. Also, because of environmental reasons, it is
limited possibilities and dead expensive to park the car in the city
centre. Later they were stopped by a policeman who informed that it is
prohibited to sleep in vans and buses throughout the Netherlands... In
the end they drove towards the outskirts of Den Haag and found no
other alternative than to stay in the bus for the night anyhow. Some
of the boys went to get a beer. It turned out only the local brothel
was still open, but they got the beer they were longing for. On the
way back they were stopped by a couple of locals who accused them of
having knocked down some dustbins, which they hadn't, the visit at the
whore-house hadn't been that jolly. They got back to the bus after
picking up some garbage after all. Eight people in the comparably
small bus for one night with only enough space for 5 or 6 people to
stretch out, I guess. And the snoring in addition. I'm sure glad I
wasn't there! But it would've been fun to be around when they got a
nightly visit by a local policeman who suspected them of stealing. He
jumped several (?) feet in the air when up popped Ernie's sleepy face
wearing his black burglar's cap. But they got away with it and were
not disturbed by any other outsiders for the rest of the night.
Next morning they went to the centre of Den Haag to relax and get
fit. Only Bumble B and Lumpy Davy had the guts/surplus to return to
Amsterdam that day to inspect the canals, coffee-shops and local
brownies at close range. Meanwhile the others went sight-seeing in Den
Haag and stayed most of the evening in a club with lousy blues jams.
In the end they entered the stage themselves (it was two days since
the last gig, remember!) and delivered a version of The Smell Of
Incense. Bjorn took care of the female vocal parts. He had added some
vocal harmonies from behind the mixing desk earlier and was ready for
the limelight. During an instrumental part, he started to bang a
cymbal with his fist. It was not approved by a big black guard.
This night some of the boys found out it was due time to stay in a
hotel! They got the chance to sleep peacefully, get a shower and that
kind of luxury lifestyle. The next day was Thursday and time for the
real Dutch gig of the tour. They found the right place early in the
afternoon for once. The building used to be an ordinary church, but
now it belonged to some small and some strange religious societies. It
was a beautiful building with stained-glass pictures and all, but
marked by wear and tear. And behold! The people there expected an
altogether acoustic band! There were no amplifying equipment for the
vocals, and the community living on the ground floor didn't tolerate
any noise. Wow, who mentioned a well organised tour? Eventually they
persuaded Freddo Renier, the local organiser, to go and look for an
amplifier. Otherwise they'd have to call off the gig. All he managed
to borrow was two old loudspeakers from a local punk group. But they
found out it was possible to use the amplifier intended for the
clergyman's sermons for the vocals! Rock'n'roll, eh? And the concert
went ahead with drums, electric instruments and all... There was quite
a good assembly and people were sitting devout in the chairs. The band
played the quietest songs in order not to disturb the people living
underneath too much. To get to hear anything of the rest of the band,
Cool Kat kept the beat slower than usual. Everyone was glad Bumble B's
voice was back in business and the band was pleased they managed to
get through the obstacles once more and delivered a decent set, though
Bjorn thought the sound conditions had been horrible. The people
living below agreed with him. It was the very last time an electric
band should be allowed to enter the holy room! Michael Demmler and Eva
Koehler of Smell Of Incense's German record label September Gurls had
travelled 600 kilometres to attend the concert and finally arrived as
the band struck the very last chord of the encore...
The gig was shorter and ended earlier than usual. They were taken back to
Freddo's place that turned out to be the 18 year old collective Blauwe
Anschlag consisting of spiritual freaks and hard-core punks. The smell
of cats' piss and dope filled the air. The room where they were
sleeping was even seedier than the one in Celle and looked very much
like the home of a hard-core bachelor. There was a mystic and empty
cage in a corner where some eerie animal seemed to have escaped. Brt
woke up next morning and found a syringe under his mattress. Anyway,
Freddo and his company were very friendly and had high ideals. Which
also meant cheap tickets the previous evening and very little money
for the band.
Thursday turned into Friday and it was time to say goodbye to Den Haag and the
Netherlands and hello Belgium. It was raining cats and dogs on the
road to Liège, but when The Smelly Vincents had found Jean, the
person who was going to lead them to the arena of the night, the rain
had ceased for a little while. Well, compared to Bumerang in Berlin
and Celler Loch, L'Etoile du Nord was kind of an arena. It was a
complex of many rooms with cafe, art exhibition area, stalls for
records, big stage and space, little children and dogs wandering
about... a sort of anarchic community that was more common 15 years
ago. But pleasant in an almost nostalgic way. I arrived there at
about 9.30 p.m. with my Belgian hosts while the rain poured down yet
again. The gig was the opening evening of a 5 days event dealing with
unemployment. The mayor of Liège had made the kick-off with a speech
earlier in the evening. When we entered, the first band was ready to
start. It was some industrial and experimental project that produced
sounds and moods close to similar projects 10-15 years ago. One of
the boys played a sort of guitar with added metal percussions while
another person was eating the flames of burning sticks. Next was a
female mime troupe all dressed up like clowns. The children loved
them. And finally, close to 11 p.m., it was time for the
Norwegian head-liner of the evening. They had a fine start with the
Gong medley. Some of the organisers were well into Hawkwind, Ozric
Tentacles etc. and the opening parts of the Gong suite tread the same
paths. Great! It was the lady's night. Bumble B's voice had fully
recovered and I think she sang almost all the songs of their live
repertoire with female lead vocals. Her electric violin sounded
splendid, too. The mixing desk was very good, only the loudspeakers
were a bit small or too few for the big room. It was hard for Bjorn
to get a punchy bass and the mellotron was a bit muddled at first.
The only problem was they kept playing too long - for more than two
hours - and it was too many of the short pop- and folk-tinged
eccentric songs. They would probably have gained by playing more of
the freaky spaced tunes such as their version of Jefferson Airplane's
White Rabbit with a long instrumental intro and
Interstellar Overdrive. Apart from the Gong stuff at the start
we only got a 25 minute Space Is Deep at the very end. By then
most people had left or were too tired or exhausted to digest what
they heard. Only one or two persons shouted "Encore!".
I had said goodbye to my Belgian friends who went home before the Incents
finished Space Is Deep. Time for a final beer or two, some
chat, sell some records. Two children were sleeping in the dressing
room backstage. The band was offered one more job in Liège two days
later, Sunday afternoon, which they eventually accepted. Time to
clear the stage and get the gear into the bus once more which took
about an hour. Some of the local people drove in front to where the
majority of the band should sleep. Which turned out to be another
seedy youth or student house, but quite close to the city centre.
Bumble B and Lumpy Davy on the other hand, were sleeping in a
four-poster at Jean's place in a beautiful big brick house in a huge
garden with salamander ponds... Mickey had managed to record
tonight's show via his mixing console on stage, somehow, and played
it on the car stereo. It was a strange mix, but he was going to save
it for his future children anyhow. The boys hadn't eaten during the
evening and wanted to find an open shop to get some food. It was 4
a.m. I had planned to leave for Norway early next morning and
eventually brushed my teeth in the gutter and went to sleep for a few
hours in the bus along with Mr. Cool. I awoke at 7.30, got dressed
inside the freezing van, folded my sleeping bag and woke up Kat
during the process. It seemed he wasn't too keen on the thought of
the long drive home. As a railway employee he, naturally, envied me
the luxury of going by train. I stumbled down to the railway station
and got on the first train to Germany that morning a few minutes
later. It was a 24 hour journey before I was home in Oslo. And
the band played on. They went to the small town Bastogne the same day
and had a successful gig in a little club called Coleurs Cafés
without the usual troubles. Sunday afternoon saw them back in Liège
and another successful gig in a club. On both occasions they used the
PA system from the first evening in Liège which fit better in smaller
rooms than the huge premises of L'Etoile du Nord of Friday night.
Finally they met up with André of Crohinga Well and a couple of
members of the band The Tribe Of Cro including André 's son. The gigs
in Belgium was much better paid than on the rest of the tour. They
got a fixed fee, independent of the attendances.
It was nearly midnight when they started the long drive home. On the way out of
Belgium they were stopped by the police one more time, who were not
very pleased the way they were seated in the bus. Too many people and
too little seat capacity. They got away with an explanation that it
had been approved by the Norwegian authorities and they were on their
way out of Belgium anyway... After 24 hours non stop driving they
reached Oslo in the rain, and the girl and boys who were going to
Arendal needed 4 more hours in the bus to get home.
Is there any moral in this story? Well, the band lost some money, had a lot of
troubles and some disappointments, were freezing, were stuck inside a
small mobile without the Memphis Blues for hours on end. If you want
to go on a smooth tour with your band and don't want to loose any
money, don't do it the Smell Of Incense way. Get written contracts in
advance, state your requirements concerning minimum fee,
accommodation, food and drink. On the other hand, if you want to meet
nice people (with hardly any money), get a cheap and alternative
holiday with free food and ditto beers etc. some of the time, along
with exotic accommodation for free and a chance to perform your music
and practice in front of a new audience for several evenings on end,
go for the Smelly way! It had been a tiresome, hard, rough,
tough, rock'n'roll, amusing, interesting, instructive, memorable,
hilarious and different journey, but the band and yours truly kind of
enjoyed it. And the band improved their playing a lot during the
tour. They ought to have kept going. So far they haven't had any
rehearsals since their return home more than a moonth ago. But Mickey
has already finished one more 7 gig tour in Norway with another band
Velvet Belly accompanied by Biosphere, but that's a different story.
I guess the memories and Cool Kat's video tapes of the tour might
make The Smell Of Incense fiddle with plans for gigs and some time
together on the road again, sooner or later. I saw an episode on a
video where Ernie is driving the bus across a lawn with big stones
around the edges in the suburbs of Berlin to get to the first gig and
someone behind the video camera is saying: "I sure hope you don't show
this to the guy who owns the bus!". I hope he doesn't read this
either! (It turned out fine.)
Copyright © 1998 JP 