France - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 26 - 12/03/98
Christophe Miossec
A Prendre
The two first albums, Boire and Baiser, recorded by
Miossec (a native of Bretagne), are enough to give a not very nice
image of him: an alcoholic man with a tormented mind, with blunt
words, and he doesn't hesitate to notice his baseness and others
meanness, grazing simultaneously the Men people. In fact, Miossec just
tells, or sings, the everyday life, in his cruel but realistic words.
These two albums are enough to rate him into the austere songwriters
category, between Serge Gainsbourg and Philippe Leotard, with
sometimes a disillusioned voice like these artists. But if the music
of the two first albums was just a musical decor which accompanied the
lyrics, now acoustic guitars now noisy guitars, it has an other role
on the third album A Prendre, recorded with the help of
Guillaume Jouan (composer, guitarist), Olivier Mellano (violinist, an
old member of the great independent French 80's band Complot
Bronswick, a kind of musical concept with multiple musicians),
Yves-André Lefeuvre (drummer, also an old member of Complot Bronswick)
and Bruno Green (producer). The presence of strings (four
violins), in particular with Le Chien Mouillé and Le
Déménagement, of keyboards, samples and piano is undeniable, and
this gives the album a musical consistency which didn't exist on the
two first records. The voice is also different, "less embarrassing,
fortunately more assiduous. When you hear your voice, on an answering
machine or on an album, it's something which is strange and indecent",
tells Miossec. However, he is as usual like himself. He doesn't
hesitate to emphasise his weaknesses, to challenge himself or even to
provoke people in concert "let's say that I'm not a real singer, that
I'm not able to write a melody". Provocation, intellectual masochism,
or simply a final protection against his shyness in front of live
people? On the third album, like the others, Miossec plays all
the possible male roles, now singer, entertainer, worker, husband, now
lover or even father, but not necessarily in good dispositions. His
lyrics always disturb, but there are always some great songs like
Le Voisin, L'Assistant Parlementaire (the only
political-satirical track from Miossec), or Les Bières Aujourd'hui
S'Ouvrent Manuellement, even if we can sometimes think that the
break-up is imminent: "Si un
de ces quatre je m'évapore, ça fait splaoutch, quelques vagues et plus
rien..." , that is to say: "One day, if I evaporate myself, we
can hear a splotch, a few waves and then nothing...". According to
himself, everything deteriorates itself until the end, in particular
the love stories, even if the death theme never appears distinctly.
And if Miossec has a sense of humour, it's just sick humour. In any
case, he regrets nothing, as he sings on Retour a L'Hotel:
"On sait qu'il faut tourner
la page, on aura fait preuve de tempérament, on aura au moins fait
trembler les barreaux de la cage, on aura pas vécu tout
doucement", which means: "We know we must turn the page, we
have been hot-blooded, we have at least shaked the bars of the cage,
we haven't lived softly". Miossec, with character typical of
the Breton climate, both calm and fiery, gives us an album which is
more than a succession of songs. It's a fluid entity, A Prendre
- to take - or to leave. In any case, apart from some reason, because
Miossec "prefers to tell the damn-fools than always to have a
reasonable and calm speech".
Copyright © 1998 Patrick Dubail 