France - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 28 - 01/31/99
Le Village Vert
The release of the first album by Orly, Matériau, at
the end of the last year confirmed the soundness of the compilation
from the French label Le Village Vert,
Indeed, after the first album of Superflu
Puis Après, On Verra Bien, here is the confirmation of a new
band, or rather a new musician. Because David Leroy (the only
musician of Orly) is author-composer-interpreter of the album. In
short, a man-band.
Before this album the only song released by the artist was Pour
Un Mouvement, (on Panorama), a song which was a foretaste
of Matériau. It's difficult to classify the album into
such or such category, because there is no category for it. It looks
like a marginal object between the pop releases of Le Village Vert
like Superflu or Autour de Lucie. Unfortunately, this album risks
going unnoticed face to face the people. David Leroy admits it
himself, and he says: "In the genre where I am found, the French
experimental music, I'm quite sure of doing like the other bands,
that is to say a record which the public don't like".
And we can easily find some similarities with the other bands. For
example, David Leroy doesn't sing on this album, in general, but
simply tells the lyrics, like Diabologum with their first album. We
can just listen to the third song, Tout Tend A Prouver Que Je N'Ai
Rien Inventer, to persuade ourselves. As for the music it's
fairly tormented, like with the song
Périphérique, which is a 'noisy upside
down bass'(!). Tormented, or even extreme in the meaning that there
are some voluntary bad notes, like D. Leroy doesn't know how to play
correctly. He explains all these facts on the last song
Topologie, and specifies that he has recorded the album at
home. This principle of unfinished work, at least apparently,
establishes a parallel between Matériau and the first
album of Dominique A., La Fossette.
With all these remarks, we can think that a lot of bad critics
will come following the release of Matériau, like with
the release of the song Pour Un Mouvement. Of course this
album risks discouraging some people. "It's certain that some people
can't cope with my music as anything but too bad", tells D. Leroy,
but when an artist prefers to express his ideas rather than record a
commercial album, we can only encourage him.
Copyright © 1999 Patrick Dubail 